Our Team

Currently, we are not looking for any more tutors. However, we will be hiring again soon. If you are interested in joining our team, please click here.

Bethany Ryan

Bethany Ryan is the founder of Cornerstone Knowledge, a relaunch of her former business Ash Tutoring. She is a local resident of Coos Bay who moved a few years ago from Ohio and has never looked back. She loves this community and has sought out the best ways to invest in it. Given her skills and experience, she knew that helping students and their families was where she could make a difference.

From a young age, Bethany has been helping students. Even as a first-grader in a low-income school, Bethany was aiding fifth-grade students in reading. She hasn’t ever stopped working with children or having a passion for it. From daycares to volunteering to working in actual schools, Bethany has found many ways to support kids in education. Yet, it never felt quite enough. She wanted to make a bigger difference in a way that schools or other institutions wouldn’t allow her to so she turned to tutoring. Even as she has taken different main jobs, she always came back to tutoring, finally deciding the calling was strong enough to take it on seriously. So she started Cornerstone Knowledge.

When she isn’t tutoring, Bethany enjoys spending time with her family, including her husband, her daughter, her dog, and two cats. She writes on the side and spends time with friends playing nerdy games like Dungeons and Dragons. She is also a strong supporter of local small businesses like herself.

Book with Bethany Here!

Nathan Ryan

Nathan Ryan is the manager of Cornerstone Knowledge. He is also Bethany’s husband. Moving with Bethany to the Coos Bay area, they both fell in love with the community. Both of them prefer to do everything together, so when Bethany decided to launch her business, it felt only natural that he should become the manager, especially given his experience managing other small businesses in the area.

In his off time, Nate enjoys spending time with his family. Two of his favorite things to do with them are trips into town for the farmer’s market and walks along the boardwalk. Nathan also loves his nerdy things including anything star: Star Trek, Star Wars, even Starlord. Nathan is happy with living in the country outside Coos Bay where he gets to raise his family.

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