Become a Sponsor

Children in Coos Bay and surrounding areas desperately need help in their education. Less than 50% of children in Coos Bay are proficient in reading with less than 30% being proficient in math. As math and reading are necessary skills for succeeding in life, this is shocking and troubling. 

Unfortunately, Coos Bay’s poverty level is at a shocking 16.8%. That’s double both Oregon’s and U.S.’s poverty levels for 2021. This means that many students do not have access to the personalized education they need. Even for families above the poverty level, they may not be able to afford the tutoring their child needs, no matter how much they want to.

Coos Bay’s poverty level is at a shocking 16.8%.

This is why Cornerstone Knowledge is rolling out our sponsorship program. We are inviting local businesses and individuals to invest in the future of our community by sponsoring a student. We are also investing our own money in this program because we believe it is so vital. 

Every $20 donated is matched by us to give one student a tutoring session. Each of our sessions is an individualized learning experience filled with games and activities, many of which the students can keep and work on with their parents. The hours and money spent finding, developing, and creating the perfect learning environment and manipulatives will come at no cost to the student. Even the donated money goes straight to paying the tutor as we believe in supporting employees. 

For $20 a month, you can sponsor one session a month for a child. For $80 a month, you can sponsor one session a week for a child. You can also donate a small or large lump sum. 

We are not a non-profit organization so this money is not tax-deductible. However, this money is a way for both individuals and businesses to invest in their local community. We even work with local businesses to promote them for being sponsors. 

You can become a sponsor as easily as donating through the form below. You can also reach out to our sponsor email at If you are a business and you are interested in how we promote our sponsors, please reach out to us through our sponsorship email. Thank you for joining us on this quest!

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